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First steps to BARF for Dogs

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We would like to share a few helpful tips with all those who are interested in partially or even switching to barefoot BARF (Biologically Appropriate Raw Food Diet). No matter what type of feed you choose for your dog, it is always important to find the right balance between all ingredients to protect the organism from acidity or nutrient deficiency (or overdose). Always consider your dog as an individual. Each dog is different, and the needs will depend on age, activity, performance and general health, so feeding should always be adapted to their current needs.

It is most likely, the dog has been freshly vaccinated, dewormed and possibly treated with antibiotics, that means his organism/body is toned down and needs gentle support as well as patience and attention from the new owner.

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Should you have any questions on this topic, we will be happy to provide you with comprehensive advice. 

You can reach us Monday to Friday
10 a.m. to 4 p.m.

BARF – Amount to feed per day per adult dog

The food fed per day should equate to 3% of the body weight of the dog. An overweight dog, a senior, and a dog that gets very little exercise due to physical restriction / disability should receive 2 to 2.5% of their body weight in food. A dog with malnutrition may eat 4% of its body weight per day. It does not matter if the meals are divided into one, two, three or more portions. We recommend two servings a day in healthy, adult dogs. Dogs with digestive problems as well as breeding animals and puppies are covered in another chapter.

Daily suggested feeding amount
3% daily amount for a 20 kg dog20 kg = 20.000 g x 3/100 = 600 g total food
The animal content of the total amount of feed should be about 70-80% meat and meaty bones, fats and offal:600 g x 70% = 420 g total meat content
15% of the total food content should be meaty bones (ribs, sternum, necks, wings):600 g x 15% = 90 g bones
Naturavetal® Tip

Calcium is essential for the development of dogs. If your dog does not tolerate bones, you can ensure the calcium content by adding some natural supplements such as eggshell powder or Calcified seaweed.

Continuation of the calculation
We subtract this bone content from the total meat content:420 g – 90g = 330 g 
Innards (liver, kidney) should be 10% of the remaining total meat content:330 g x 10% = 33 g 
Rumen, leafy stomach can account for 25% of the remaining total meat ration:330 g x 25% = 83 g 
The remainder of the total amount of meat consists of 55% muscle meat (breast, head, skirt steak):330 g x 55% = 182 g

Naturavetal® Info

Feeding Information about BARF

The most important thing about barefooting is that you feed a varied and balanced diet over a longer period of time in order to cover the nutrient supply from all sides. Therefore, you are welcome to vary and combine the ingredients and recipes, so that the dog gets everything for a period of 1-2 weeks. You can even skip weighing after some experience and routine, because you will develop a feeling for the appropriate amounts. The result is a rumen day, sometimes a meat bone day, sometimes a fish day and then more fruit and vegetables, and the balance is the nuts and bolts. Your dog is able to adequately store the nutrients and is used in a variety of good healthy foods. If you need more help with orientation at the beginning, there are some detailed recipes below.

Fats should basically be part of or added to the meat and in this example receive a share of 10%. Often the fed meat already has a certain amount of fat, which would then have to be deducted at this point. Animal fat should be between 15-25% for BARF feeding of dogs. (For more information on the topic of fat in dog nutrition, click here.) If you are unable to feed the dog animal fat, you can alternate the feeding with vegetable oils.

Continuation of the calculation
Fats should be included in the meat. The fat content should be 10%330 g x 10% = 33 g 
The vegetable and fruit content of the total daily ration is in our example the remainder of the daily feed with 30%600 g x 30% = 180 g 
This is subdivided into 70% vegetables, divided into 50% colorful vegetables (such as carrot, pumpkin, beetroot, fennel, etc.) and 50% lettuce (such as lettuce, spinach, chard, corn salad, etc.). Vegetables180 g x 70% = 126 g (half green and the other half mixed vegetables)
30% fruit (such as strawberries, pear, apple, banana, orange, etc.)180 g x 30% = 54 g
Naturavetal® Tip

If you would like to give your dog a high-quality, balanced vegetable / fruit garnish, have a look at our premixed, air-dried flake blends. With valuable millet, it meets the need for fibre and is completely grain-free.

Depending on the needs of the dog, their phase of life or simply seasonal, you can round off your dog’s BARF menu with valuable supplementary feeds. A high-quality herbal mixture, various cold-pressed oils or various algae extracts bring diversity to the menu and support the normal functions of the organs. We regularly recommend food ideas that you can transform and optimize to suit the needs of your pet.

Summary feed per day
3% x 20 kg body weight of the dog with= 600 g total amount of food per day
Animal share (70%) = 420 g | Of which:= 420 g animal share
15% meaty bones = 90 g 
10% offal = 33 g 
25% rumen, stomach = 83 g 
55% muscle meat = 182 g 
10% fat = 33 g (part of the total meat content) 
Vegetable content (30%) = 180 g | Of which:= 180 g vegetebale share
70% green and colourful vegetables = 126 g 
30% fruit = 54 g 

BARF Recipe ideas | calculated according to weekly feed amount

Information for Naturavetal’s BARF feeding recipes

For allergy sufferers or sensitive dogs, we generally recommend that you vary the recipes and control the animal meat to one species per day/week. For healthy dogs, however, it is quite possible to vary different types of meat during the week or even in a meal. The recipes serve as a guide or stimulation for new ideas and to provide a variety in the bowl!

Recipe 1

  • 90g - chicken wings
  • 33g - fish innards
  • 83g - stem bark
  • 182g - beef cattle meat up to approx. 33g animal fat, depending on the fat content of the beef head meat
  • 126g - 63g zucchini / fennel and 63g rocket
  • 54g - blackberry / papaya
  • + Canis Extra Active // 1tbsp quark // pumpkin seed oil

Recipe 2

  • 90g - chicken necks
  • 33g - chicken stomach
  • 82g - cattle rumen
  • 182g chicken breast
  • up to approx. 33g animal fat, depending on the fat content of the chicken breast
  • 126g - 63g of celery and cucumber and 63g of iceberg lettuce
  • 54g - peach (pitted) / raspberry
  • + Salmon oil // 1 teaspoon cottage cheese

Recipe 3

  • 90g - beef breast
  • 33g - lamb kidney
  • 82g - rumen of beef
  • 182g - beef veal up to approx. 33g animal fat, depending on the fat content of the beef
  • 126g - 63g carrots / pumpkin and 63g lettuce
  • 54g - banana / apple
  • + Black cumin oil // 1 egg

These sample recipes help you get started with BARF, the recipes are just a first orientation. Later, it will be much easier and less expensive to determine how much the dog actually needs, e.g. offal needed may be only 1-2 times a week. In principle, you only have to calculate the above values ​​for x 7.

Summary of feed per week
Calculate 20 kg body weight of the dog with 3%= 4,200 g total food amount per week
Animal share ( 70%) = 2.940 g | Of which:= 2.940 g animal share
15% meaty bones = 630 g 
10% offal = 231 g 
25% rumen, leaves stomach = 578 g 
55% muscle meat = 1.270,5 g 
10% fat = 231 g 
Vegetable content (30%) = 1.260 g | Off which:= 1.260 g vegetable share
70% green and colourful vegetables = 882 g  
30% fuit = 378 g 

BARF Recipe ideas | calculated according to daily feed amount

Feeding information – daily plan

Even if the total amount of food varies during the day, the dog in the following examples will receive a well-balanced diet over 3 days. Balancing it over a longer period of time is what makes BARF feeding so important. You can therefore take the liberty of simply dividing up the food throughout the week and adjusting the amounts according to your daily routine, season or other individual needs and your mood. You know your dog best – the suggestions are for guidance only. Should you have any questions, we are happy to help: 0203 475 5226

Day 1

  • 90g – chicken wings
  • 99g – chicken stomach
  • 264g – beef cattle meat
    up to approx. 33g animal fat, depending on the fat content of the beef head meat
  • 126g – je 63g zucchini/fennel und 63g rocket
  • 54g – blackberry/papaya
  • + Canis Extra Active // 1tbsp quark // pumpkin seed oil
    → Total daily food amount: 666g

Day 2

  • 180g – chicken necks
  • 165g – cattle rumen
  • 99g – chicken breast up to approx. 33g animal fat, depending on the fat content of the chicken breast
  • 126g – each 63g celery/cucumber and 63g iceberg lettuce
  • 54g – peach (pitted) / raspberry
  • + Salmon oil // 1 teaspoon cottage cheese

     → Total daily food amount: 657g

Day 3

  • 82,5g – cattle rumen
  • 181,5g - beef veal up to approx. 33g animal fat, depending on the fat content of the beef
  • 126g – each 63g carrots / pumpkin und 63g lettuce
  • 54g – banana/apple
  • + Black Cumin Oil//1 egg

    → Total daily food amount: 477g

Should you have any questions, please feel free to contact us by phone. We are here to help you with comprehensive advice. You can reach us Monday to Friday from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. by phone at 0208 - 531 7804 or mail

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