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Canis Plus® InsectVetal® - Sustainable, Cold-pressed Dog Food with Insect Protein

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Our dogs have been our companions for thousands of years, we are a team that is unconditionally committed to one another. We try to feed our dogs naturally and species appropriately . There are alternatives to conventional meat sources which opens up new ways to high-protein feeding . The use of insect protein enables more sustainability than ever before.

Canis Plus® InsectVetal®, our first cold-pressed insect dog food offers pure, natural ingredients gently prepared using insect protein from the larva of Hermetia illucens (black soldier fly) and nutrient-rich vegetable supplements. This innovative dog food offers the opportunity to conserve natural resources and is also an excellent alternative for dogs with allergies or intolerances. It is made with the purest ingredients and has the smallest ecological footprint. It is healthy, sustainable and animal-friendly – a mindful approach to the environment.

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Should you have any questions on this topic, we will be happy to provide you with comprehensive advice. 

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10 a.m. to 4 p.m.

Canis Plus® InsectVetal®

The advantages of insect dog food

  • Sustainable dog food with insect protein
  • Gently cold-pressed
  • Can be combined with all Canis Plus® feed types
  • Ideal for partial BARF
  • With carefully selected herbs
  • Without fillers, colorants and preservatives
  • Without soy, wheat, potatoes and dairy products
  • Ideal for allergy sufferers and food-sensitive dogs

Hermetia illucens - Black Soldier Fly

The black soldier fly is found commonly worldwide. Their low demands environmental demands allow them to find excellent living conditions in a wide variety of places, the same applies to their larvae. The larvae are of crucial importance for the production of our new insect dog food, Canis Plus® InsectVetal®. The breeding of the Hermetia illucens larva is simple and unproblematic compared to meat production. The larva does not need much to thrive upon – its main focus is to feed as much as possible. In the larval stage, Hermetia illucens eats and stores as much as possible, because as a fully grown insect it lives on these reserves and no longer eats. That is why the larvae of Hermetia illucens, shortly before pupation, are characterized by a very high nutrient content. They contain a lot of protein, fat and also a healthy amount of lauric acid.

Sustainability with insect protein dog food

We are increasingly aware of environmental issues, the search for new ways to feed dogs with valuable proteins in a species-appropriate manner and thereby reduce meat consumption is growing. In many parts of the world it is completely normal for insects to be on the menu. In this way, dog food can also be made from insects. The advantages of insect breeding are obvious – they require significantly less space/arable land and less natural resources. Approx. 1–1.5kg of feed is needed to breed 1kg of the larvae as opposed to approx. 12–14kg of feed required for 1kg of meat.

Minimal water consumption and low ammonia and CO2 emissions

The larvae have small demands on their food and their environment but maintain a high reproductive speed. If we also include their significantly lower water consumption, ammonia and CO2 emissions, it becomes clear why the feeding insect food can be so important for dogs, humans and our shared environment.

Insect food for dogs without additives

As a substantial supplementary feed, Canis Plus® InsectVetal® should be fed alternately with our complete meals. This reduces meat consumption and provides the dog with a comprehensive diet. This is ideal for environmentally conscious, sustainable and species-appropriate feeding.

It is currently not possible to offer insect food for dogs as a complete meal without using certain additives. We made a conscious decision to forego these synthetic additives and to stay true to our holistic approach to natural feeding.

Our InsectVetal® is therefore unique – it will initially be offered solely as a supplementary feed so that it can be fed in addition to our other Canis Plus® feed types. If we regularly use this alternative protein, the resulting relief for the world will be enormous and the dog will be cared for in a holistic manner.

If you would like to feed Canis Plus® InsectVetal® as a complete feed due to allergies or for ethical reasons, we recommend that you consult our team of experts regularly so that we can discuss the necessary supplements for your dog individually.

New protein source - an alternative for allergy sufferers

Its outstanding advantages to the environment and its suitability for allergy sufferers make our Canis Plus® InsectVetal® very interesting. Our gluten-free recipe with dried insect larvae is gently cold pressed into a pellet form so that valuable nutrients from the banana, blueberry, cranberry and many other ingredients are preserved to their utmost. Whole grain rice also provides healthy nutrients and has a low allergy potential. This alternative protein supplement is well tolerated and is ideal for dogs that are sensitive to certain foods or for dogs with allergies.

Allergies arise when the body comes into contact with a substance that it incorrectly classifies it as a threat. The body then reacts to this threat when it next comes into contact again. Many dogs suffer from allergies e.g. chicken is common because it is widely used as an ingredient in dog food. Ingredients such as goat or horse meat are less common and are processed less often, so are unknown to many dogs as a meat source. Therefore, allergies to horse or goat meat are less common than, for example, to chicken. Which type of meat is suitable depends on the dog’s history.

If you usually feed your dog with only two to three different meat sources (using dry/wet food and snacks) and forego all other meat sources, then any other meat source would be suitable in the event of an allergy. Feed types that contain only one source of animal protein are so important for a successful exclusion diet. For example, if the dog has an allergic reaction to chicken but tolerates lamb, Canis Plus® lamb can be fed using our lamb complete meal or for a home made meal, use our pure lamb roll with caringly prepared vegetables and fruit or add our flake mixture and not forgetting an added calcium source.

It is enough to be aware that dogs do not have to be fed every meat source available in the world in order to be cared for in a species-appropriate manner. Two to three different meat sources as a basis, with changing, compatible side dishes are sufficient to ensure that the body is properly supplied. This means that all the other meat sources available remain unknown and can be used if the dog develops an allergy.

Our insect dog food represents a tolerable meal enrichment for allergy sufferers who can only tolerate one source of meat. Experience shows that dogs gettng only one source of meat for a long period of time will have a reaction to it sooner or later. One-sided feeding can be responsible for allergies. Feeding our InsectVetal® offers the possibility to prevent this one-sided feeding and can thus help to delay such undesirable reactions or even to prevent them completely.

Canis Plus® InsectVetal®

The advantages of our insect dog food

  • Pure insect content (Hermetia illucens)
  • From clean and healthy resources
  • Environmentally friendly in production
  • Animal-friendly feed source
  • All-natural vitamins and minerals
  • Gluten-free, compatible recipe
  • Suitable for allergy sufferers

Feeding recommendation

Canis Plus® InsectVetal®

As a supplementary feed, Canis Plus® InsectVetal® should be fed in separate meals alternating with the Canis Plus® complete meals or BARF.

This feeding recommendation applies to adult dogs and is based on their current body weight. Average values were determined in practice. The optimal amount of food for the dog depends on age and temperament.

Feeding conversion to insect food - Canis Plus® InsectVetal®

As with our other cold-pressed dry food, an immediate and clear switch to our InsectVetal® makes sense. This means that any extruded dry food that has been fed up till now is not mixed with our cold-pressed dry feed.

When changing from our other cold-pressed Canis Plus® meals or when changing from wet food or BARF to InsectVetal®, the changeover should take place immediately with the next meal. You can find out more about the conversion here.

Feeding Recommendation for Canis Plus® InsectVetal®

As a supplementary feed, Canis Plus® InsectVetal® should be fed in separate meals in alternation with the Canis Plus® complete meal varieties, or BARF. The feeding recommendation for adult dogs is based on their current body weight.

Daily ration:

Weight of the dogFeed per day
5 kg80 g
10 kg125 g
15 kg165 g
20 kg215 g
25 kg250 g
30 kg280 g
35 kg340 g
40 kg370 g
45 kg410 g
50 kg450 g
60 kg510 g
70 kg600 g

Further information and frequently asked questions (FAQ) regarding the feeding of Canis Plus® InsectVetal®

What is InsectVetal®?

InsectVetal® is a high-quality, cold-pressed supplementary food for dogs. It is based on insect protein from the larva of the black soldier fly (Hermetia Illucens) and thus dispenses with meat from warm-blooded animals or fish. Canis Plus® InsectVetal® offers a healthy alternative, is environmentally friendly and preserves a lot of natural resources compared to conventional protein sources. It is also an excellent alternative for dogs with allergies possibly expanding their diet.

Is the amount of food the same as for the other Canis Plus® foods for adult dogs?

As a supplementary feed, Canis Plus® InsectVetal® should be fed in separate meals alternating with the Canis Plus® complete meals or BARF.

The amount of food in our Canis Plus® InsectVetal® is the same as that of our other Canis Plus® dry food types. InsectVetal® is in a proven kcal range, like our other varieties. The feeding recommendation applies to adult dogs and is based on their current body weight. They are the average values that were determined in practice . The optimal amount of food for the dog depends on age and temperament.

Can Canis Plus® InsectVetal® be fed as a complete feed?

Our insect dog food is a supplementary food that is intended to expand the dog’s diet. Feeding it as a complete feed should therefore be limited and in consultation with our team of experts. As things stand at the moment, it is not possible to produce a complete dog food from insect protein without adding synthetic additives. We have always refrained from using synthetic additives. 

We offer it as a supplementary feed so that it can be fed alternately with our other Canis Plus® feeds. Intergrating insect food into a dog’s diet, will result in lowering the consumption of conventional meat sources. This can help to relieve the burden on the environment, while the dog is cared for in a species-appropriate manner.

What should I consider when switching to insect dog food?

As with our other cold-pressed dry food, an immediate and clear switch to our InsectVetal® makes sense. This means that any extruded dry food that has been fed up till now is not mixed with our cold-pressed dry feed. You can feed InsectVetal® for two to four weeks (per sack) and then switch directly to another type of our cold-pressed dry food. But it is also possible to change the type of feed on a daily basis. 

If you have a sensitive dog, please give us a call. If you previously fed wet food or BARF, the changeover should take place at the next meal. In the case of sensitive, previously damaged dogs, a gentle changeover should be discussed with our team of experts.

Is InsectVetal® also suitable for puppies?

Our Canis Plus® InsectVetal® is designed as a supplementary food for adult dogs. It is recommended, that this is fed to young dogs from the point in time when their growth phase is complete. However, there is nothing against feeding puppies and young dogs InsectVetal® beforehand as a special/training treat.

Can InsectVetal® be combined with Canis Plus® wet food?

Just as with our other cold-pressed dry food varieties, combined feeding with our wet food variations and BARF is possible. It should also be noted that the different types of feed should not be mixed in one bowl, but rather offered in separate meals. For example, you feed wet food or BARF in the morning and InsectVetal® in the evening. Mixing different types of food in one meal should generally be avoided with sensitive dogs, as this can irritate the digestive organs.

Can InsectVetal® be combined with other Canis Plus® dry food varieties?

InsectVetal® is a supplementary feed and should be fed alternately with our other Canis Plus® complete meals. Since all of our dry food types are cold-pressed, you can feed Canis Plus® InsectVetal® for two to four weeks (per sack) and then switch directly to another type of our cold-pressed dry food. But it is also possible to change the type of feed on a daily basis. If you have a sensitive dog, please give us a call on 020 8531 7804.

How is the larva grown for the insect protein?

The larva of the black soldier fly is kept at temperatures that are appropriate for the species in a suitable room climate and fed with grain, usually oatmeal. These prerequisites guarantee a natural and clean growth, with regular reproduction cycles lasting only a few weeks.

Is InsectVetal® suitable for allergy sufferers and sensitive dogs?

Absolutely yes. The recipe uses the larva of the black soldier fly and unpeeled whole grain rice, which is well suited for allergy sufferers. Insect larvae is mostly completely unknown to the dog as a food source, and naural wholegrain rice has a small allergic potential, so Canis Plus® InsectVetal® is a suitable food source even for very allergic or sensitive dogs. And of course – as always – we do not use synthetic additives with InsectVetal®, making this food well tolerated and free from unnecessary foreign substances!

For allergy sufferers, we recommend adapted feeding. It is often as advantageous as with an exclusion diet, to feed a well-tolerated protein for 6-8 weeks so that the irritated metabolism can calm down and regenerate. As with many allergy sufferers, they can only tolerate one or two sources of meat. A food made from insect protein can be an emergency solution for them.

Can I get a private consultation on feeding?

We are happy to provide you with comprehensive advice on how to feed your dog properly.

Should you have any questions, please feel free to contact us by phone. We are here to help you with comprehensive advice. You can reach us Monday to Friday from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. by phone at 0208 - 531 7804 or mail

Naturavetal® food samples

We will be happy to send you food samples and help you choose the right variety

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