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Canis Plus® Puppy Food - Appropriate & Healthy Right from the Start

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Canis Plus® Chicken Puppy Meal
Canis Plus® Beef Puppy Meal
Canis Plus® Lamb Puppy Meal
Smaller Pellets
Canis Plus® Puppies & Young Dogs Poultry - smaller pellets
Canis Plus® Puppies & Young Dogs Poultry - larger pellets
Canis Plus® Puppies & Young Dogs Salmon - larger pellets

Purely natural, easily digestible & healthy

Complete meals and Dry Food for puppies and young dogs

A vital, robust start in life is the most valuable gift you can give your young dog. By buying puppy food that is gluten-free, made from natural ingredients and cold-pressed, your four-legged friend will receive a controlled amount of energy tailored to their growth to promote an even, and stable growth phase.  With this species-appropriate diet, you are protecting them from a possible lifetime from an excess of synthetic additives. Feeding is much more than just getting a full stomach! Learn more about what makes good dog food and what you should pay attention to when buying puppy food.

Healthy puppy food for young dogs - species-appropriate from the beginning

A young dog’s development requires numerous valuable nutrients, which can be found in the dog food. To ensure species-appropriate growth and development, we offer high-quality puppy food in our range, which is free of synthetic additives. In the sensitive development phase, careful nutrition is very important. Correct feeding of a natural diet will have a decisive influence on:

  • The healthy development of organs
  • The formation of muscles and joints
  • Appropriate bone growth
  • Harmonious hormone interaction

Great care is taken when it comes to the content and production of our food. We pay very close attention to a healthy mix of all ingredients and consistently avoid unnecessary substances such as synthetic additives. This helps the growing dog to develop a strong intestinal flora and promotes a healthy metabolism. This is exhibited in young dogs by a glossy, shiny coat, healthy skin, well-groomed teeth and lively vitality. These are the classic signs of holistic well-being. Large and small dog breeds benefit from our wide selection of meals with easy to chew pellets in a species-appropriate puppy food. 

What is species-appropriate puppy food?

The natural composition of Naturavetal® puppy food for young dogs takes into account the biological requirements of the growing dog. The most important component of the dog food is high-quality meat or fish. You won’t find inferior by-products such as claws or feathers in our puppy food - or in any other foods from our range. So, try to feed your four-legged family member a species-appropriate diet from the beginning.

Poultry or salmon guarantee the supply of important single proteins. Added to this are salmon oil and minerals, vitamins from various fruits and vegetables as well as solubilised brown rice or millet. Carrots, bananas, dandelion and carob are just some of the natural ingredients that have a positive impact on the slow and steady growth of a young dog. High-quality proteins and calcium from seaweed gently build muscles, joints and bones at an appropriate rate.

Buy the right puppy food for to suit any requirement

Our healthy, gently cold-pressed, Canis Plus® Puppies & Young Dogs Poultry is available in the regular pellet size for small, medium and large dog breeds. To optimally meet the chewing needs of toy breeds, we also offer smaller pellets. The puppy poultry and salmon varieties are available in 1, 5 or 15 kg bags, depending on your requirements.

Our Canis Plus® Puppies & Young Dogs Salmon food has been developed for sensitive dogs. Salmon as the only source of animal protein. This natural dry puppy food is ideal for allergy sufferers and contains an optimal amount of omega-3, -6- and -9 fatty acids in addition to many choice herbs.

Should you wish to buy puppy food, low in carbohydrates, we offer the tins of Canis Plus® Puppy Meals, these are wet foods. They are available in 400g and 800g cans and come in three delicious flavours of beef, lamb or for severe allergy sufferers in goat. They can be fed as a complete meal or combined with BARF or can be combined with our cold-pressed Canis Plus® Puppies & Young Dog food. Valuable herbs and hemp oil in the puppy wet food round off the rich composition. All three recipes are grain-free and therefore suitable for food-sensitive puppies and young dogs.

This gentle feeding with energy-giving healthy ingredients is also recommended for pregnant bitches. In addition, you can integrate all Canis Plus® varieties with BARF. Should you like to learn more about the special feeding plan for sensitive young dogs using our high-quality puppy food, we will be happy to advise you!

The advantages of healthy Canis Plus® Puppies & Young dogs Puppy Food:

  • Gently cold-pressed
  • Does not swell in the stomach
  • Poultry or salmon as the only animal protein source
  • Recipe with natural vitamins and minerals
  • Ideal for partial BARF

Purchasing puppy food – common FAQ’s and answers

Below we answer some of the most important questions regarding healthy puppy food and puppy feeding of, should you wish  to know more, then take a look at the articles in our ever expanding puppy guide.

How much food does a puppy need per day?

How much should a puppy eat, so that it can develop age-appropriately and healthily, depends on various factors. Crucially on its breed, its activity level, its mental, physical health and much more. In the following table you can see the amount of food the young dog needs at what age. These are our values from practical experience. It is important that you tailor the feeding with natural puppy food individually to your dog. Because the amount of energy/food consumed will also influence it’s temperament.

Feeding recommendation – Canis Plus® cold pressed puppy food

* Final weight of the adult dogAge of the puppy in months
5 kg80-100 g100-120 g120-130 g 
10 kg120-150 g150-180 g180-210 g 
15 kg150-180 g180-210 g210-240 g 
20 kg200-240 g240-270 g270-300 g 
25 kg240-300 g300-330 g330-360 g360-400 g
30 kg300-350 g350-380 g380-420 g420-480 g
35 kg350-450 g450 -480 g480-500 g500-540 g
40 kg450-540 g540-580 g580-600 g600-640 g
50 kg540-600 g600-640 g640-670 g670-700 g
60 kg600-700 g700-740 g740-780 g780-800 g
more than 65 kg700-750 g750-780 g780-800 g800-900 g

* All weights refer to the expected weight of the adult dog.

Feeding recommendation - Canis Plus® Puppy Meal Wet Food

Daily amount based on the dog's current body weight (bw):

  • Dogs up to 7 months of age: approx. 5-8% of the body weight
  • From 7-12 months of age: approx. 3-5% of the dog's body weight
  • From 13 months of age, our Canis Plus® Complete Meals can be fed.

When and how often do I feed my puppy?

A puppy who is not yet three months old and has only recently stopped feeding from its mother should be given three or four meals a day. It is best to divide the feeding into morningnoon, afternoon and evening. By the first birthday, you can reduce the frequency to two to three meals a day. Whether you opt for wet or dry puppy food is of secondary importance.

When do I start feeding adult dog food?

You should feed a puppy with Canis Plus® Puppies & Young Dogs for at least the first twelve months. It is during this period that the main growth takes place. The body will continue to change and form until the age of two is reached. In principle, the feeding of species-appropriate puppy food can be extended to this period.

What can I do if I suspect food intolerances and allergies?

If you notice that the dog does not tolerate the food being fed or shows allergic reactions, you should consult the veterinarian, especially in severe cases. Should there be a problem, consider your options carefully. You should avoid buying extruded, hypoallergenic puppy food, as these are often not suitable as a permanent solution for feeding puppies during the growth phase. Your dog will benefit in the long run if you deal with the possible causes of an allergy - the experts at Naturavetal® will be happy to assist you in putting together an individual feeding plan for food-sensitive animals.

What nutrients does my puppy need?

For healthy development and age-appropriate growth, a puppy needs energy in the form of proteins, fats and carbohydrates for the formation of muscles and bones. Also important are vitamins, minerals such as calcium and phosphorus as well as trace elements and natural fibre. They are essential for metabolism and digestion.

What puppies are allowed to eat and what not?

For puppies, but also adult dogs, foods that are not suitable:

  • Grapes
  • Raisins
  • Cocoa
  • Chocolate
  • Avocados
  • Onions
  • Raw potatoes
  • Aubergines
  • Tomatoes

You can read more about foods that are unhealthy, intolerant or even toxic for your dog here. Since puppies in particular nibble on almost everything, caution is also advised when out walking and even in outside in your own garden.

What is the best puppy food and what distinguishes a good puppy food?

Good food for dogs of all ages consists of purely natural ingredients, consisting of meat or fish, vegetables, fruits, herbs and/or seedlings. The species-appropriate puppy food from Naturavetal® is guaranteed to be free of:

  • Synthetic additives such as binding agents
  • Flavour enhancers
  • Chemical preservatives
  • Artificial colours and flavourings
  • Attractants
  • Animal by-products such as claws, feather meal and beaks
  • Vegetable by-products such as potato peels, beet pulp or molasses

High-quality puppy food is characterised on the one hand by quality raw materials, but also its gentle preparation. With our cold pressing process, natural vitamins and nutrients are preserved. The good tolerability, even for allergy sufferers, confirms that the holistic natural recipe of Naturavetal® food provides the dog with the best possible care.

Which wet food for puppies is the best

Naturavetal® offers puppy wet food from the Canis Plus® puppy meals in beef, lamb or goat. They contain meat and offal from the respective animal protein source, vegetables, fruits, herbs, valuable oil and are all grain-free.

Which dry food for puppies is the best?

Canis Plus® Puppies & Young Dogs Cold Pressed pellets in poultry and salmon varieties have proven to be the ideal dry puppy food. In addition to meat, they consist of whole grain brown rice, oats or millet, fruit, vegetables, herbs, oils and seedling sprouts.

Which chews are best for puppies?

Between the 3rd and 8th month of life, there is a change of teeth. This is when many puppy owners look for suitable chews, which the young dog can safely chew. For young dogs of smaller breeds, our Canis Plus® Rabbit Ears with Fur or the Canis Plus® Fish Skin Sticks are suitable. Also suitable for young dogs and young dogs of larger breeds are our Canis Plus® beef scalps in 12.5 cm or 25cm length. If the young dog belongs to a giant breed or is familiar with very firm chews having been fed bone (BARF), our very firm Canis Plus® Horse Tendon is suitable. The long gnawing of the natural chews helps the young dog through the change of teeth, promotes stress reduction and also contributes to healthy oral hygiene.

What can I give puppies to drink?

Puppies and dogs of all ages should first and foremost drink fresh water. If the animal suddenly spurns tap water, you should be concerned. If there is nothing wrong with the dog’s health and the dog behaves normally, you should consider whether the dog had visited somewhere and might have drunk some water that was mixed with something special and very tasty. A young dog would remember this very quickly and would try by sudden refusal, to persuade you to mix this special something into their drink. If you now give in, this can quickly lead to them permanently insisting on supplements in their drinking water. But if the dog has always been a poor drinker, it is worth taking a look at their diet. Many dogs that get wet food or BARF will drink less on their own because the food already provides them with plenty of fluids. In these cases, especially in the colder seasons, it is quite normal for puppies to drink less during the day than, for example, a puppy that gets dry food. However, if the puppy really does drink too little and you fear that this behavior could harm their health, you can  dissolve some Whole Goat Milk Powder in a little lukewarm water and then mix it into the drinking water. Other dogs do fine with a few drops  of Mineralmoor in their water bowl. Be sure to use porcelain, ceramic or glass bowls and avoid metal or plastic bowls.

What fruit are puppies allowed to eat?

Apples, pears, raspberries, blackberries, strawberries, melon and bananas – these types of fruit are suitable for puppies (and a few others), but always fed in moderation, as provided for in a species-appropriate diet. They contain, among other things, sugar, which can promote hyperactivity when fed excessively. Many types of fruit also contain a higher proportion of fruit acids. If the puppy gets too much of it, metabolic problems, such as hyperacidity, can arise. You should be careful with stone fruits. Dogs can eat cherries, apricots, peaches and nectarines, but only without the pip, otherwise it can lead to hydrogen cyanide poisoning. Therefore, it is best to get the puppy from the beginning used to harmless fruits, especially if you  compose the BARF ingredients yourself.

Should you have any questions, please feel free to contact us by phone. We are here to help you with comprehensive advice. You can reach us Monday to Friday from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. by phone at 0208 - 531 7804 or mail